Have you ever been startled by a false fire alarm and struggled to turn it off? Many people face this frustrating situation, especially if they are unfamiliar with the ways to turn off a fire alarm system. Fire alarms are essential for building safety, alerting residents to potential fire threats. However, false alarms can be disruptive and irritating.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to turn off a fire alarm system in commercial or residential settings in the UK. Keep reading to avoid unnecessary panic, frustration, and the continuous beeping of a false alarm.

turn off a fire alarm system

How do I know the type of fire alarm?

There are two types of fire alarm systems, one of which is used in a commercial area and the other in a residential area. These two types of fire alarm systems are similar in function but have a few differences that we are going to explain.

1. Fire alarms in commercial areas

This type of fire alarm has sensors to detect smoke, the smell of smoke, and any sign of a flame. They save time for the residents to evacuate the buildings in case of any fire. These types of alarms are connected to a central control panel that monitors different zones within a commercial building

2. Fire alarm systems in residential areas

Domestic alarm systems are separate and standalone and, like other types of alarms, detect any dangerous sign of fire in a house. They are either battery-powered or software-powered and are connected to the electrical system of a building.

Types of  fire alarm systems in a commercial area

These fire alarm systems in non-residential buildings differ from conventional, addressable, wireless, and hybrid fire alarm systems. They are the same in the main functionality, which is detecting fire signs with minor differences.

  • A conventional fire alarm is used in rather small commercial buildings, and it is connected to a central panel. The drawback is that when an alarm goes off, you can find out which alarm is beeping but cannot locate the exact location of the alarm to understand whether it is a false or a real alarm.
  • An addressable fire alarm is also connected to a central control panel, with the difference that when an alarm is beeping
  • A wireless fire alarm system is a kind of fire alarm that does not need wires. Wireless fire alarms are easy to install on the wall or the ceiling, which is suitable for places where it is hard to install fire alarms with wire. The only thing that needs attention is checking the batteries regularly, as they are running with batteries.
  • A hybrid fire alarm has the functionality of both conventional and addressable fire alarm systems. This type of alarm in commercial areas offers the best solution based on the specific needs of different areas of a building.

How to turn off a  fire alarm system in a commercial building

Here’s how to turn off a fire alarm system in a commercial area:

1. Find the control panel

One needs to go to the place where the central control panel is located, which is mainly in the center of a building or near the entrance and security room. It is important to know that accessing the control panel requires entering a code or a key to allow authorized people access to the control panel.

How to reset alarm system without code

2. Identifying the false alarm

When checking the central control panel, identify the location of the alarm, which is beeping, and reach the location to find out whether it is a false alarm or not.

3. Press the silence button

If it is a false alarm, to silence the alarm through the control panel, push the button silence; however, it does not reset the alarm.

4. Press the reset button

After silencing the alarm, you need to enter the code to push the button reset. This ensures that the beeping will not happen again and that the system will work normally after being reset.

5. Call a professional

If the system continues to false-alarm when there is no reason for that or when you have trouble resetting or silencing the fire alarm through the central control panel, it is time to call a professional to resolve the issue.

How do you turn off a domestic fire alarm system?

The first thing you should do after fire alarms start sounding is to check whether there is any sign of smoke, smell of smoke, or any evidence of flames. If there is no sign of fire or smoke, it is necessary to go for methods to turn off a fire alarm system.

Depending on the type of home alarm systems, whether battery-powered or software-powered, there are different approaches to silencing a fire alarm system. As battery-powered alarm systems are more common in homes in the UK, in this section of the article, I will recommend some methods to disable a battery-powered fire alarm system.

1. Turning off the activated unit

One way to turn off a fire alarm system is to find the activated unit and disable it. Another sign apart from the sound is a red light flashing on the front of the activated alarm. If the area is well lit, it is difficult to find the red light. Try to stand underneath the alarm or darken the area to help identify the alarm with the red light.

Press and hold the hush test button until the alarm has been silenced. If the alarm sounds again, twist and open to remove from base. That way, the device will be deactivated, and other alarm systems will continue working.

2. Resetting the fire alarm system

Another way to turn off a fire alarm system is to press the button on the fire alarm system and hold it for a few seconds to reset the system. However, in some models, pressing the button for more than two seconds activates a programming mode instead of silencing the device.

3. Changing the useless batteries

If your system is constantly beeping and cannot be reset, maybe it is time to change the entire system unit with decent and sound batteries. After removing them, reset the fire alarm system to stop the uncontrolled ringing.

4. Changing the fire alarm system

If the device doesn’t stop going off after replacing the batteries, the alarm system needs to be changed, as alarms have an expiration date. Pay attention to buying the alarm from a reputable store, as it can be found in supermarkets and home appliance stores, and the alarm system cost range is between 10 and 50 dollars. If you want to change your fire alarm system, consider buying it from the best alarm supplier and dealer partner in the UK.

5. Make sure your fire alarm is installed away from sunlight

Sometimes the batteries are changed, and the expiration date of the device has not been passed, and the alarm is still making noise. The reason can be a ray of sunlight that triggers the smoke detector to go off.

6. Clean the dust from inside of the fire alarm

Sometimes, the buildup of dust can cause fire alarms to beep. Ensure that the inside of the smoke detector device is clean and that there is no dust buildup. Ensure the device is clean and free of dust; open it up and look it up to find any sign of dust and clean it. To clean the dust, you can use a spray for cleaning keyboards or a vacuum cleaner carefully.

turn off a fire alarm system


A fire alarm system is crucial in protecting a building from fire hazards. However, false alarms can be annoying and frustrating, making it important to distinguish them from real emergencies and know how to turn off a fire alarm system properly.

In this article, we covered different types of fire alarms and various methods to disable them, such as changing the batteries, replacing the expired alarm, and using the reset button on the central control panel. Understanding these steps will help you turn off a fire alarm system effectively, preventing unnecessary panic and disturbance, especially at inconvenient times like during the night.

Have you ever dealt with a false alarm? Share your experience in the comments.