The frequent traveler’s guide to home security alarms 

The home should be a meeting and comfort point for the whole family. A safe place, ideal to share experiences, rest, and develop personal and growth activities. A security alarm system is a method that guarantees the tranquility and protection of home spaces.

From the simplest systems to the most elaborate procedures, they are part of the defense against attacks or theft. The budget that can be invested in them will always be minimal in contrast to the value of our peace of mind.

Keep reading to know everything related to home alarm systems.

security alarm

Total security to go on vacation

It is opportune to have a good security alarm because according to statistics, with the holidays the number of robberies in houses increases because sometimes recklessness is committed such as exposing very valuable information used by unscrupulous people on all social networks, thus increasing the number of thefts, thanks largely to the data that the same users leave on these platforms.

When going on vacation, according to published information, cases of home burglaries increase, with an average of up to 310 registered daily cases, with most of them occurring in summer or during weekends. Other data to take into account is that 8 out of 10 intruders visited the profiles of their victims through social networks, which is why it is not necessary to reveal everything through them.

To avoid these unpleasant moments, it is important to be prudent before deciding to travel, and one of the best options to consider is to install a security alarm system at home that allows it to be viewed through video cameras so that you can alert the neighbors and the security company in undesirable situations.

security alarm

Measures to protect the house

With the idea of ​​protecting intruders from visiting your home and preserving all the assets that are inside the property, you must install an alarm system for comprehensive security.

The advantages of having these systems have to do with:

  • Absolute security thanks to the security alarm system because it drives away intruders who realize that the house is shielded and protected. These companies always place signs in external areas where they warn of their presence so that they deter thieves.
  • Control the home with remote connection alarms, thanks to those that have a wireless control that uses GSM or Wi-Fi devices, where it is possible to observe all the areas of the home from kilometers away.
  • These alarms are usually connected to a phone.
  • If the alarm is connected to a switchboard, the receiving station notifies the security company to send, if necessary, a police patrol within a few minutes.
  • With security alarm systems, thieves will think twice about trying to enter a home, because when they want to perpetuate a robbery, they usually choose a house that does not have these devices.
  • They also alert dangers such as floods, fires, or emergencies in the house.
  • Security companies install detection systems through closed-circuit television with security cameras, which record areas of the home 24/7.

The truth is that having a device of this type saves worries when you have to leave your home, for reasons of travel or work, this is a mechanism that should not be ruled out.

security alarm

Why use a security alarm system?

There is no need to despair when looking for a system of this type and finding an alarm for your home is always feasible because they represent an effective protection element. Similarly, it is not ruled out that this protection also serves to protect family members, because this security alarm system can be activated while inside the home.

Another aspect in which alarms are of vital importance is that they can help save lives when a medical emergency arises, it is prudent to install a system that contains said specification, since if there are elderly people or someone with health problems, at the time of an emergency the alarm can be activated.

They are also vital to warn of a fire, so you can react immediately to save the property, as well as in the event of a flood due to a fault in the pipe network.

On the other hand, these alarms are used to better control the home, taking into account that many of these devices use cameras for surveillance and special sensors for movement. This way you can have a complete vision of everything that happens in the home in real-time and apply all the forecasts.


How to choose the right security alarm system for your home

Home alarms can vary depending on their operation or method of action. Choosing the best home alarm system will depend on many factors that the user must evaluate. Here are some variables that can influence the selection of the most convenient alarm system:

  • Budget: The money available for the purchase of an alarm system influences the type of method to choose. If you have a small budget, there are cheap and very functional security alarms that meet the expectations of users.
  • Size of the spaces: The dimensions of the house or enclosure that you want to protect also determine which burglar alarm to choose. For small spaces, simple home alarms can be installed. However, for larger places, alarm systems must be more complete and elaborate.
  • Characteristics of the inhabitants of the home: There may be sensitive people who are disturbed by the noises or lights of the sirens. In this case, home alarms with more discreet alert methods are recommended. These notify the security personnel directly without alarming all the inhabitants.



Investing in an alarm for home or business provides great peace of mind, bearing in mind that with a system of this type, vacations will be pleasant and not the nightmare that they can become if theft occurs during the same. In this article, we explained why you – as a frequent traveler or a regular homeowner – need a security alarm system for your home.