How Does Security Alarm System Work?

A home alarm system is a set of electronic security devices designed to activate in the event of unauthorized entry to a property, whether it is a home or a business. Depending on the capabilities installed in the system, the alarm system may sound the siren and report the intrusion to the security company, the homeowner, and the police. Even the most complete systems are capable of capturing and transmitting images, audio, and video in real time. In this article, we will talk about security alarm system installation and its functions.


Parts of an alarm system and how they work

Most alarm systems are made up of three main elements: the central panel, the siren, and the keyboard. Then we have the complementary elements that perform the detection function. Among the most used are magnetic contacts, motion sensors, smoke detectors, etc. The type and quantity of sensors to be used are chosen according to the protection needs of each location and the budget.

In general, each sensor or detector is connected and/or associated with a zone. A zone is a slot or space in the system that is used to connect/configure a device. For example, zone 1 is the magnetic contact of the entrance door; zone 2 is the room motion sensor; zone 3 is the kitchen heat sensor, etc.

In the case of wireless zones, only one sensor or detector can be programmed per zone. In the case of wired zones, several devices of different types or technologies can be connected; however, it is recommended not to connect more than 3 devices per zone and preferably that they are of the same type.


The basic operation of an alarm system

After the security alarm system installation, it is controlled from a keyboard with a 4-digit user code. With the code, you can arm and disarm the system and bypass zones. It also allows you to program the system time and other additional functions.


Arming the system

  1. To arm the alarm system, all doors and windows that have magnetic contacts must be closed and motion must be disabled in areas with interior sensors.
  2. Verify that the green-ready LED lights up.
  3. Enter your user code. If you make a mistake when entering the code, press the pound key # to clear and try again.
  4. The keyboard will start emitting some sounds or beeps indicating the exit time count. At the same time, the red arming LED will light up. After the exit time, the system will remain in armed mode.

Security Alarm System

System Disarm

To disarm the system, simply enter the user code on the keyboard. If you make a mistake when entering the code, press the pound key # to clear and try again.

Disarm can be done from inside or by entering a delayed zone.


Excluding or bypassing zones

It is a function used to temporarily bypass a zone or device. This exclusion is done before arming and works only for that arming. When you disarm the system, the zone returns to its normal state.

Security Alarm System

Types of arming

There are two basic arming methods:


Present armed or partial armed

It consists of security alarm system installation and arming the system leaving the perimeter zones protected and the internal zones bypassed.

This action is performed automatically by simply entering the user code. Some models incorporate a direct key for this function.

This type of arming is convenient when the user of the system stays inside the protected building. Allows freedom of movement without neglecting perimeter protection.

Generally, the interior motion sensors are the ones that are bypassed and the magnetic door contacts remain active or on alert.

For zones to behave in stay and away modes they must be configured in advanced system programming.


Away armed or fully armed

It is an arming mode where all internal and perimeter zones are included in the system arming. Some systems incorporate a direct and dedicated key for this function.

For systems that do not have a direct key, full arming is activated when leaving the front door. This opening and closing action of said door act as a “switch”.

Security Alarm System

Definitions or types of zones of an alarm system

The zone definitions are the attributes that are programmed during security alarm system installation so that the sensors have a certain type of behavior. They can be configured according to the user’s needs, the most used are:


Delay zone

Generates an alarm at the end of the programmed entry time. This zone type must be programmed at the entry and exit doors.


Instant zone

Generates an alarm without giving any type of delay. It is recommended to program all perimeter sensors with this zone definition.


Interior zone 

Generates an instant alarm, if a timed zone is not activated first. This zone type continues to count the entry time only if entered through a programmed delay zone. But it works as an instant zone if it is entered from an unauthorized place.


Inside zone present/absent

This zone type works the same as an interior zone, with the difference that the zone will be automatically bypassed when the system is armed in stay mode. That is, if the system is armed and the user stays inside, the zone is canceled (present mode), and if he leaves, it becomes instantaneous (absent mode).


Fire zone 

Generates an alarm immediately upon a fire event. 24-hour zones do not need to be armed with the user code, they are continuously armed by default. The code is only entered when the siren is activated to silence it.


Burglary zone

This zone type is used for emergency or panic buttons. Like the fire zone, no code needs to be entered other than to silence the siren when activated. In case you have a system with monitoring, it is recommended for safety to configure this type of zone as silent (no siren sound).



The security alarm system installation is operated by means of a numeric keyboard, with which the system is armed and disarmed.

With the system in the armed mode, if a protected area is violated, the siren is activated and the respective signal is sent to a monitoring center.

In the monitoring center, the operator receives the signal and calls the user to confirm if the alarm is real or if it is a false alarm. If the alarm is confirmed, the authorities, police, or firefighters are notified for assistance.

Finally, it should be clarified that alarm systems are not directly connected to the police or firefighters as many think.