In recent years, the video surveillance industry has undergone a major revolution. These changes have made CCTV installation more important and necessary. Now, each of us is trying to monitor our surroundings with CCTV systems so that we can be more accurately informed about the details that are happening in the environment.
One of the key components of a video surveillance system is a DVR or NVR. In general, the selection and purchase of a DVR are based on certain factors. One of those factors is price. In this article, we will introduce the factors that affect DVR price.

dvr price
dvr price

What are the factors affecting the DVR price?

DVR price is one of the main indicators of buying a CCTV camera and storage device. Many factors affect the price of a DVR including brand, resolution, warranty, functionality, and technology. Which we will cover below.


As we all know, the world of CCTV is full of different types of brands, each of which is sold at a different price. The more famous the brand, the higher the price of the product. Reputable brands often spend a lot of money on designing and manufacturing their products. Therefore, brand is one of the factors affecting the DVR price. DVRs of Best home alarm systems are usually more expensive.


One of the main indicators that affect the DVR price is the product warranty. Genuine products with warranty services are often sold at a higher price. So, when making a purchase, don’t take cheap as the sole evaluation criterion and always make warranty the main factor in your buying process. Because many companies provide counterfeit products or unsecured services to users.
If after purchase there is an error in the operation of these products, no company is responsible for fixing the problem, and users have to spend a lot of money to fix the problem. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase the desired product from reputable companies that provide warranty services.


Another factor that affects the CCTV cameras and DVR price is technology. The video surveillance industry grows and evolves according to the expectations and needs of the users. The first video surveillance technology was analog. Images from analog cameras do not have good image quality. Over time, AHD, CVI, TVI, and IP technologies have entered the field.
These new technologies are more capable and provide images with higher resolution and quality, so products with these 4 new technologies are sold at much higher prices than analog products. AHD products also cost less than CVI, TVI, and IP, while IP technology costs more than others.

Functionality and features

In the video surveillance industry, the more features a product has, the higher the price. Thus, we can include resolution, number of channels, number of hard disks, audio input and output support, alarms, support for smart capabilities, face recognition, read records, and more. So, another factor that affects the DVR price is its ease of use.
DVRs are available in 4, 8, 16, 32, and sometimes 64 channels. The more channels there are, the higher the price of these products. Another feature that affects the price of storage devices is the ability to decode and export images in different resolutions and frames.


One of the most important parts of electronic equipment is very sturdy hardware. Engineers and experts when designing the hardware of professional products and brands always strive to adhere to the principles of the standard, so that voltages and fluctuations in components cause minimal damage to the storage device or camera. Therefore, the design of the hardware affects the DVR price.


The software of the storage device plays an important role in providing its capabilities. CCTV companies are always trying to provide new features to users by releasing new updated versions, as well as making it easier for users to use the device menu.

Support for image outputs

As we know, a DVR device includes various video outputs, which can be referred to as AVI, VGA, and HDMI. Older devices only had AVI and VGA outputs, but with the advancement of technology and new designs, new devices with HDMI capability were designed, which affected their price. HDMI output images have a higher quality and resolution than VGA, which has made them much more popular among users and consumers. So another factor influencing the DVR price is the image output.


As mentioned, various factors like resolution, quality, warranty, brand, technology, number of channels and affect the DVR price. The more features a product has, the higher its price.