
As we all know, in today’s world security is the most important protective factor. Most people believe that using a CCTV system can monitor the environment and ensure its security. CCTV systems must also be secured to prevent unauthorized access to stored documents. In this article, we will explain how to set the security settings of the CCTV camera and how to prevent CCTV cameras from being Hacked and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the camera and hacked CCTV cameras solution.

CCTV cameras are the best deterrents to burglaries

CCTV cameras are one of the best deterrents to break-ins and burglaries, with law enforcement encouraging their use in residential and commercial properties. Not only do they keep criminals away from your property, but they also provide visual evidence to catch culprits. In addition, the recorded images can also be used in court as legitimate evidence.
Most of the time, devices designed for our safety, such as CCTV cameras, can be used against us. How? ‘Or’ What? By hacking of course. CCTV cameras are a great tool for protecting you and your property, but they are also vulnerable to hacking and are used to spy on you over the Internet. But don’t be afraid. This will only happen if you are not careful about using the right equipment or Best home alarm systems and taking the necessary measures to protect your privacy.

How To Prevent CCTV Cameras From Being Hacked
How To Prevent CCTV Cameras From Being Hacked

Why hacked CCTV cameras?

There are some very simple ways to prevent such attacks, which we will talk about in a moment. But first, you need to understand how and why CCTV cameras get hacked? Just as thieves are opportunists looking for loopholes in your security, such as unlocked doors or windows, hackers work on the same principle and find vulnerabilities in your system to violate your privacy. They are tech-savvy people who know the Internet and its associated tools.
Hacking is usually done through remote attacks that can be carried out anywhere in the world and hackers don’t need to be physically near the systems to hack them. Once entered into the system, they can access all your files and system components. They can view, delete, steal or modify live and recorded images, launch viruses and have full control over the system.
Some of the ways CCTV cameras can be hacked are as follows:
Brute Force – where hackers use automated software to repeatedly guess your passwords.
Spoofing attack – where they connect to your network by logging in as a trusted device.
Backdoor attacks – where they look for vulnerabilities in compromised systems.

How To Prevent CCTV Cameras From Being Hacked?

How do you know if your CCTV cameras have been hacked? As frightening as it may sound, it is almost impossible to know and for an ordinary and untrained person, it can not even be noticed. A possible sign of a malicious attack and hacked cctv cameras is that the system is running slower than normal. A hack requires the system to work very hard, which can slow down or make it unusable for the camera.
After Installing security systems in UK, It is serious to prevent such an attack from happening in the first place. To do so, you should:

Only install authenticated CCTV systems

You might think it’s a good idea to invest in cheap fake CCTV cameras which you can easily get for a quarter of the price. Well, no. For the money you’ll save on equipment, you’ll be risking a lot more by installing a vulnerable system that’s compromised, to begin with.

Secure your WIRELESS connection

To protect your WiFi-connected CCTV cameras from hacking, it makes sense to also secure the WiFi connection. You can give your router a strong password and change it regularly, use encryption, and disable networking and guest sharing. You can also install a firewall between your devices and the Internet connection to maximize protection.

Use strong passwords

If you live in the 21st century with all the advancements in technology, you should be aware of the importance of a strong password. What is surprising is that most people use the default username and password that came with the system. These are pretty easy to guess and are usually admin and 1234.
When setting up your camera, make sure to choose strong passwords as these are your best defense against hackers. Use something long and complex with a combination of numbers, symbols, and upper and lower case letters.


If your CCTV camera supports this feature, configure it to add an extra layer to your security. What two-factor authentication does is that when you log into your app account, the system not only asks for your username and password but also sends a password to use. Single (OTP) to your phone via SMS, email, phone call, or authenticator app that you enter in the app to log in.
This verifies your identity and ensures that it is you and not someone else trying to log into your account. Two-factor authentication is a very useful feature and should be enabled on all your emails and social media accounts as well. If you haven’t activated it yet, do it now!


The video surveillance system manufacturers will periodically release updates that correct software bugs and other vulnerabilities. These updates help the system run more efficiently and protect the camera and your security from compromise. Some systems automatically download updates as soon as they are deployed, while others require you to update them manually. Either way, if you really want to keep your privacy private, you should always keep your systems up to date.


Home surveillance cameras are supposed to protect us. They keep us in contact with our home at all times and help us protect what is most important to us. However, news about hacked home security cameras has become all too common. Often, cybercriminals hack into home security cameras through a process called credential stuffing. In this type of cyber attack, hackers use credentials obtained from a data breach to attempt to connect to another unrelated service.
For example, a hacker could use a list of credentials obtained through a data breach at a store to log into the app used to control your home security cameras. Consumers are extremely vulnerable to login blocking due to the high propensity to use the same password on multiple sites. According to a survey, 52% of consumers use the same or similar passwords for different sites and services.
This poses a serious security risk. If a cybercriminal hacks into a camera that is part of a smart home ecosystem, he can gain access to the entire system. Not only can they use the camera to spy on you and your family, but they can also disable your burglar alarm or unlock your doors. Therefore, you should protect your cameras with the security practices mentioned above.